Music Lessons For The Modern Musician

At "The Artist Path" we create lessons plans that get students writing music instead of practicing music.

We each the equivalent of a multi-million dollar studio in our computers. We teach students how to make full use of it as they are learning their instruments.

  • Feedback on your songs

  • A community of musicians who are actively helping each other

  • Weekly Masterclasses about

    • Songwriting

    • Marketing

    • Producing

    • Mixing

    • Recording

Where our teachers work has appeared...

The Way We Approach Music Is Broken...

We have been teaching music the same way for hundreds of years.

You get a piece of music you try to play it, and you repeat the section you messed up on until it is perfect.

This was great when the only way to hear music was live, but once recorded music was invented we should have updated how we learn music. 

But we didn’t…

Musicians learn how to become great players, to flawlessly execute a piece of music, to become a musical machine. 

But today we have access to entire symphonies on our computers. 

The Artist Path helps you along your path to music creation. Whether it is learning new production techniques or figuring out how to use modern AI tools in your artist project.

Learn About...


Music Production

Recording Techniques


Releasing and Marketing Funnels


What Professionals Are Saying

About Us

Evan Lewis,

6 Figure Songwriter at

Andreas Landeck

Mix Engineer at

"The Keep" Recoding Studio


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