Building Your Home Studio

Do you have everything you need to start making music?

I have spent 10’s of thousands of dollars on music and audio gear.

While I am happy with my current set up, I wish I had a guide showing me what I should be buying and the order I should be buying things in. 

I bought instrument microphones way too early and now rely mostly on plugins and virtual instruments. 

I have bought three different vocal microphones before finally settling on one that I use for 90% of my recordings. 

I have bought countless plugins search for the perfect reverb and EQ before finally learning which are my favorites. 

Their is so much gear that it can feel impossible to know what to buy, and what you should be upgrading next. 

This is why I created this map to your home studio. 

You will have three of my favorite options for each piece of gear that you will ever need for your home studio. 

  • Consumer

  • Pro-Sumer

  • Professional

Put Together A Plan For Exactly What You Need

I wish I put in some forethought into what exactly I would need when building my home studio.

By paying just 4.99 for a guide to music equipment you can save yourself thousands in buying gear that won't last.

I have a graveyard of plugins I rarely use.

So many reverbs that after using them for a single track, they never get turned on again.

And don't even get me started about Waves Bundle.

(Honestly, don't buy that bundle. I know their are constant deals and the ability to get 100's of plugins for cheap. But I rarely use those plugins)

Your Map to Your Studio

We are all able to have studios that would have costed millions to build just 30 years ago.

We can track just about every instrument outside of drums in a small apartment, and we can create gold records in our home.

Included is a guide to...

  • Which Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) you should buy

  • Speakers and Headphones

  • MIDI Instruments

  • Guitars and Basses

  • Audio Interfaces

  • EQ's

  • Reverbs

  • Virtual Instruments

  • And much more!

Add this guide to your purchase so you don't waste thousands of gear you don't need.

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